Sunday, April 29, 2007

CDs are still alive and kicking...

Following on my my mix tape ramblings comes this article...

THE music download revolution might be eating into CD sales but it may be some time before physical music formats such as discs become completely irrelevant.

While consumers are becoming more selective about which music they choose to buy in disc format - as opposed to online - the CD still holds a place as popular medium for home-made compilations.

(Do you still buy CDs or just download your music digitally?)

The question of how listeners cherry-pick music for such personal collections, however, is the subject of a survey to be conducted by the University of Newcastle.

Marj Kibby, a senior communications lecturer at the university, is investigating the impact of the internet on the way young people find information about popular music, as well as acquire and listen to it.

Dr Kibby said anecdotal evidence suggested digital music collections were becoming more ephemeral and pointed to a resurgence in the personalised compilation album.

"People are actually burning music files back to CD - they are compiling their own 'mixed tapes' again, which was something that disappeared for a while,'' she said.

"We used to do it when we had cassettes and it disappeared for a while because we didn't have the technology to burn CDs and now that's all become easy again.''

The survey will look at the ways in which music is available online, the methods young people use to listen to and purchase music and the impact of the internet on their music consumption habits.

It will also consider consumers' attitudes towards different methods of music consumption and the possible social consequences of those habits and attitudes.

Dr Kibby said musicians were also playing a more active role in interacting with their fans through internet sites such as MySpace, which allow them to better gauge their popularity amongst more specific markets.

Early indications suggest listeners have been looking to the web to find new music as well as familiar artists.

Such trends were likely to challenge the more established ways of pitching music to consumers.

"What's their level of satisfaction with the music? If they're getting free music, does it meet their level of satisfaction? If they're paying for it, is it too encumbered with various protections for them?'' Dr Kibby asked.

People over the age of 18 can take part in the online survey at Online Music.

The results of the survey are expected to be released in June.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

I'm an adult now...

I do appear to have bought a house this morning!!
Although not really looking in earnest, I came across the house in question earlier in the week online, viewed it yesterday, fell in love with it, put in an offer, renovated it from top to bottom in my head, had the offer knocked back, made an additional offer (still under the asking price) and am now facing a round of solicitors, lawyers and mortgage brokers to get the ball rolling.
It's a two bedder, double brick, federation style semi. Oh, and it has a Waltons-styled front porch, which I will be adding some rocking chairs to.
Here it is - it's perfect :-)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A sorta fairytale...

Tori Amos is one of my favourite artists, but I've not really seen that many of her videos.
Live, she's awesome, but it seems that through video she is even better able to convey her kookiness.

A Sorta Fairytale is probaby my favourite song of hers - I first heard it the week I moved to Australia almost five years ago.
It's haunting, clever, beautiful... and has this totally bizarre video with it.
While I don't subscribe to the Jerry McGuire/Dr Evil notion of one person completing another, I do like this clip.

Look at my little monkey...

Monday, April 09, 2007

A recipe for success...

BRITISH scientists say they have found the formula for a perfect bacon butty, after 1000 hours and 700 variations of the beloved sandwich.

The experts from Leeds University's Department of Food Science say the secret is in the crispiness of the bacon rashers, the BBC online reported.

Four researchers tried different types and cuts of bacon, cooking techniques, types of oil and a range of cooking times at different temperatures.

A shortlist was then tested with computers to measure the texture of the butties and 50 volunteers also judged each sarnie.

The scientists found that two or three back bacon rashers should be cooked under a preheated oven grill for seven minutes at about 240C.

The bacon should then be placed between two slices of farmhouse bread, 1cm to 2cm thick.

"We often think it's the taste and smell of bacon that consumers find most attractive but our research proves that texture and the crunching sound is just as, if not more, important, said lead researcher Graham Clayton.

The formula is: N = C + (fb (cm) . fb (tc))+ fb (Ts) + fc . ta, where N=force in Newtons required to break the cooked bacon, fb=function of the bacon type, fc=function of the condiment/filling effect, Ts=serving temperature, tc=cooking time, ta=time or duration of application of condiment/filling, cm=cooking method, C=Newtons required to break uncooked bacon.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A sunny, Surfers Easter...

I'm back after my quick jaunt up to Queensland. Had a ball, the weather was fantastic, and spent most of my days on the beach and in the sea.
Very very nice.
Did zero in the way of theme parks, did manage a trip up Q1, the world's tallest residential building, which was awesome.
Also had a quick blast of home thanks to the Minus 5 bar up on the Gold Coast. It was fab.

Assorted pics below... mainly taken from my apartment balcony or across the road from our accommodation.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Thinking of flying....

... then you may be interested to learn which airline has the reputation for losing the most luggage.

Happy Easter...

I know it's a little premature, but I'm officially on my Easter break from work, and am heading to the airport for my flight to the Gold Coast.
For those of you not in Australia, the Gold Coast is eternally warm, and totally tacky. Created primarily for the Japanese tourists who flock Down Under, it's a cross between Orlando and Blackpool.
And I love it!

The Easter Bunny is also on the ball this year - look what he delivered to my office earlier in the week, from my niece Charlotte.

You may think that at 10 months old, that's quite an achievement, and you'd be right but this kid has her own blog, YouTube page and has starred on regional TV in the UK's south west.

She's a legend!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Mash-ups with Grandma

This is something we're streaming on my network, but I think it is absolutely hilarious.
Check it out!