Monday, July 14, 2008

C is for counting on Sesame Street ...

I've loved Sesame Street for years - and have such fond memories watching it in Canada as a toddler years before it was bought by the UK networks.
Anyway, I saw this 21st century piece of Sesame Street gold today and had to post it - it's so cute.

Why so serious?

We managed to wangle press tickets to a preview screening of The Dark Knight last night at the IMAX theatre in Darling Harbour.
Getting there was a job and a half with the millions of pilgrims in town to see his Papal regalness or somesuch (local media has been referring to the Pope as Big Ben).
But I digress ...
... The Dark Knight is a stunning, thrilling, edge-of-your-seat movie and yes, Heath Ledger gives an outstanding performance. It's not as a big a role as the previews would have you believe in terms of screen time, but it's eerie and amazing to see the late Ledger swagger onto the screen for the first time - you could hear the gasps around the auditorium.
Anyway, just one tip for you on this movie - resist the urge to see it in all it's IMAX glory at an IMAX theatre. There are so many arial shots, which are outstanding, but I came out of there feeling quite travel sick and our movies editor had to leave five mins into the film for the same reason.
But a corker of a movie, deserving of the praise and hype.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Look who is TWO!

I know, i know, she has her own blog, but I can't help showing off my beautiful niece from time to time.
I can't believe she is two whole years old - so much has happened in the last couple of years but it's been measure in her amazing development and character.
She's an absolute sweetheart and I am really looking forward to hanging out with her in Australia in the summer (all things crossed).

One for all the dancing queens ...

We were lucky enough to land an invite to the only Aussie press screening of Mamma Mia! the movie last week.
It was only the third screening in the world - with New York and London the first and second cabs off the ranks.
What a movie.
It was big, bold, brash and bloody brilliant (not sure that movie reviewers should be so candid). You can read my full review here.
In short, give it a whirl. I defy you not to like it - apart from Pierce Brosnan's singing.