Saturday, October 07, 2006

Terrorism revisited...

I remember exactly where I was when I heard about the Twin Towers being hit in New York on September 11th 2001. I was in a beach bar in Spain, having just walked four kms from my parents' place, and watched the incredible images unfold on Sky News. I know I rang my office in London (I was senior editor of a news and entertainment portal in London) and then my parents, but I don't remember now if I realised then what a monumental change the world had undergone in the split second the first plane hit Tower Number 1.
Five years on, and Oliver Stone has brought out his much malined movie World Trade Center, revisting the attrocities that affected the US and undobteldy changed the world forever.
World Trade Center is an amazing movie. It is harrowing, horiffic and, well, you know it isn't going to end with the usual Hollywood schmaltz.
What amazed me was my own reaction to the movie - I was in tears throughout, almost as if I was seeing the drama unfold for the very first time. Certainly my fellow cinema-goers were equally disturbed by what they saw, and it was a very solemn crowd that left the theatre after the credits.
It's certainly worth a look - if you get past Nicholas Cage's ridiculously annoying moustache.


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