Monday, February 19, 2007

Surely our luck is about to change...

We've had floods. We've had fire. We've had power short-circuiting, and fuses and lights blowing. Is it any wonder Bo and I are desperate to swap our rental address for a property we own.

It's been a nightmare.... which continued on Sunday, when Bo realised her car had been broken into.

Some scumbag had smashed the passenger window, got into the car and taken Bo's prescription raybans, her gym bag (complete with sports bra and new ipod shuffle) and my Jesus Christ Superstar cd.

Yet more drama for us, but I was pretty impressed with Newtown Police. They came out in a huge van to take a statement from Bo, and then sent forensics round to take pictures and the idiot had left a full thumb print on the car. D'oh!

They'd also struck around the corner.

Bloody nightmare.

The house search continues - and we're pretty much assured we'll be in our own house by August. We've had an ever-increasing list of requirements, which now includes a garage, or at the very least off-street parking.


At 9:56 am , Blogger Trump said...

Never ever ever leave gear in cars, especially if it's worth something! As for the cd. God help you woman! The local constabulary look like nice girls though. Guess there's always an upside.


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